Meet your Dedman II Senators!

***NOTE: There are three vacant positions as a Dedman II Senator.


Name: Anthony McAuliffe

Classification: Sophomore

Expected Graduation: May 2014

Majors: Political Science, Communication Studies, and Spanish

Minors: None.

Activities: LEAD, Service House, Emerging Leaders, Speech & Debate Team, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Alpha Phi Omega

Honor Societies: Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, University Honors Program

What do you enjoy about Dedman II Senator?

“The thing I enjoy most is getting to represent students so that their voices are heard. This position allows me to be responsible for fixing problems that students may have and addressing their concerns.”

What do you hope to achieve as Dedman II Senator?

“My biggest goal is to address the issue of parking on campus. Other than that, I am open to all concerns/suggestions that my constituents have.”

What is your favorite thing about SMU?

“My favorite thing about SMU is getting to know new people and always interacting with people I already do know. The campus is small enough that you always know someone, but big enough that you can still continue to meet people. I believe that is a wonderful aspect of SMU that many other college campuses do not have.”


Name: Upama Kadel

Classification (FR, SO, JR, SR): SR

Expected Graduation: 2012

Major(s): Biology

Minor(s): [None]

Activities/Organizations: LCP; Diversity Committee

Club/Greek/Honor Society Affiliation(s): [None]

What do you enjoy about being a Dedman II Senator?

“Senate is a heavy responsibility, but I am enjoying serving constituents.”

What do you hope to achieve as a Dedman II Senator?

“I aspire to represent Dedman II advocating the necessity to be involved on various activities other than study.”

What’s your favorite thing about SMU?

“Coming to SMU was the best decision. I love everything here so far.”


Name: Jeff Whelan

Classification: Sophomore

Expected Graduation: Spring 2014

Majors: Political Science and Finance

Minors: [No response]

Activities: Student Senate, Student Foundation, College Republicans, Student Associations’ Assistant Comptroller

Greek, Honor Affiliation: Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Lambda Delta, Hunt Scholar

What do you enjoy about being a Dedman II Senator?

Representing such a broad spectrum of major and minors, and individuals who share the interests of the humanities.

What do you hope to achieve as a Dedman II Senator:

“To bring broader unity between the Dedman majors and programs, and to incorporate the desires and input of my peers to better our collective SMU experience.”

Favorite thing about SMU:

The proximity to Dallas, the geographically diverse student body, and the incredibly engaging professors.”

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