Meet Your 2011-12 Student Body President Candidates

Time for the Big Kahuna. Student Body President.

The candidates are (in alphabetical order): Sam Mansfield, Katie Perkins and Austin Prentice.

Nick Errichetto dropped out of the race, for reasons unknown.

The candidates’ info is after the jump. Mansfield has not yet turned in his form, so I’ll post that when I get it. Be sure to check back before you vote.

Name: Sam Mansfield

Classification (FR, SO, JR, SR): Junior

Expected Graduation: 2012

Major(s): Economics

Minor(s): Philosophy

Campaign Website: Sam Mansfield for SMU Student Body President

Activities/Organizations You’re Involved In at SMU: SMU Student Senate, SMU Finance Committee, Member Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity (FIIJI), Recruit Training Supervisor Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity (FIJI), SMU Economics Club, Special Olympics Texas (SOTX), Young Presidents Organization

Awards/Honors You’ve Been Given at SMU: Hilltop Scholar

Why are you running for Student Body President?

My primary reason for running for Student Body President at SMU is the sole reason I’ve ever run for a student government position: service to the student body. I have served in multiple student service capacities in both high school and college and would be ecstatic to devote my constant diligence and tireless efforts to serve the needs of the SMU student body and provide an environment conducive to furthered growth and excellence in our exceptional community. Pony Up!

What do you hope to accomplish as SBP if you’re elected?

Serving in senate for the past year I have seen both satisfaction and discontent from the student body concerning Senate’s actions on student concerns. However, perhaps the most significant aspect I have observed is that the shortcomings experienced, that had some degree of negative effect on the student body and hence negative repercussion on Senate, have been focused around a central theme and that is, in my opinion, a deficiency in communication. This often arises when there are two many levels of conversation with too few conduits to bridge them. As Student Body President, I would show the utmost persistence in my efforts to bridge any gap from faculty to student government to student. With this goal in mind I think we can create an efficient and spirited campus eager to create and maintain the goals and character we propagate and support as Mustangs.

What’s your campaign slogan (if you have one)?


Why should SMU students vote for you?

I hope that SMU students vote for me because my platform, which is available for your viewing on my facebook account (Samuel Mansfield), is achievable and geared toward maximizing student success and excellence, all the while tending to student concerns and augmenting school spirit. My ability to sincerely listen and deeply connect with my constituents’ concerns has provided me a unique aptitude to serve in the exact capacity needed for my constituents. I have experience in multiple fields of leadership and management from past employments and organization involvement, to my present services rendered to SMU. I will continue to persist in serving our community regardless of whether or not I win this particular election and I can guarantee that it is that kind of genuine commitment that will serve the student body with the highest efficacy.

What’s your favorite thing about SMU?

My favorite thing about SMU is easily the classes and organizations I’ve been involved in. I love to be in an academic environment and to look around and see my peers working, thinking, debating, and becoming better. This has been inspiring to say the least. My college experience has, since I came here, been a machine fueled by observing and enjoying working with fellow students, leaders, and faculty alike and I look forward to spending my final year here at SMU.

What, if anything, needs to change at SMU?

In my opinion, the primary change that needs to occur at SMU converges in spirit and connectedness. We are in an exciting time right now as our sports teams continue to compete at spectacular levels, we have entered our 100th year as a university, and (being in senate this year) I have had a first hand experience seeing all of the amazing things students and faculty have achieved at our university this year. The goal to focus on now should be to ensure everyone is aware of the constant successes and achievements going on around campus and finding the most direct route to connecting all students, regardless of affiliation or organization, as we seek to further our successes in the future. As we finish this semester and move into our next year, I look forward to seeing a more connected campus with fellowship and excellence the focal points of our campus’ change.


Name: Katie Perkins

Classification: Junior

Expected Graduation: May 2012

Major(s): English, Political Science

Minor(s): Human Rights

Campaign Website: Vote Katie Perkins for Student Body President

Activities/Organizations You’re Involved In at SMU: Student Senate, SMU Service House, Eta Iota Sigma

Awards/Honors You’ve Been Given at SMU: I have been given the John L. Freehafer Award for my interest in students and government.

Why are you running for Student Body President?

I have a passion for SMU, SMU Student Senate, and helping others. I want to make Student Senate and SMU better.

What do you hope to accomplish as SBP if you’re elected?

I want to organize Student Senate and make sure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently from the top down. I want to help students accomplish their goals.

What’s your campaign slogan (if you have one)?

Perk up Senate

Why should SMU students vote for you?

I have the most experience, I have accomplished the most, and I have the most passion. I will do my job and do it well.

What’s your favorite thing about SMU?

My favorite thing about SMU is the people. Our students, faculty, administration, and staff are amazing, wonderful, passionate people.

What, if anything, needs to change at SMU?

I would say the most important thing that needs to change is there needs to be more cohesiveness in the student population. There needs to be more social events on campus to make that happen. We need students to stay on campus and become more involved in the life of the University.


Name: Austin Prentice

Classification: Junior

Expected Graduation: May 2012

Major(s): Biology & Political Science

Minor(s): Chemistry

Campaign Website: Vote Austin Prentice for Student Body President

Activities/Organizations You’re Involved In at SMU: Serving the student body as Student Body Vice President has been the bulk of my involvement – as it should be. This position has allowed me to be President of the Senate chamber, while learning the intricacies of SMU. I have also been a Resident Assistant in McElvaney Hall, manager for the Men’s Basketball team and on the executive board for College Republicans.

Awards/Honors You’ve Been Given at SMU: As a Resident Assistant, I was selected Resident Assistant of the month for the entire Southwest Region – Arkansas, Louisiana, Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Also, I was selected as the Resident Assistant for all of SMU.

Why are you running for Student Body President?

Plain and simple answer, but my passion and love for SMU is why I am running for Student Body President. SMU is a top tier university, and being able to represent the student body at such a place would be a major blessing. With my senior year upcoming, I want to give the student body everything I have before graduation. Listening to the student voice and working towards implementing their collective ideas are my two main focus points.

What do you hope to accomplish as SBP if you’re elected?

Through my “Quality of Life” platform I hope to accomplish tangible goals that work towards bettering the SMU experience. As stated earlier, SMU is an incredible school that provides students with endless opportunity. With that being said, there are issues that need resolving in order to increase the overall quality of life at SMU. Parking passes should be more specific – the ability to buy a parking pass for a morning or afternoon session, or the ability to buy a garage specific pass at reduced costs are both needed amendments to Park N Pony’s offerings. This will allow commuter students more flexibility when purchasing a parking pass, and ultimately will save many students hard earned money. Continuing with parking, community service should be an option instead of paying the parking ticket. Bridwell Library could use extended hours of operation – especially during finals week. Student organizations should not have to pay anything to use the technology/AV in Hughes Trigg. Hughes Trigg is the student center on campus, let alone the home of student organizations, and therefore, should not be forcing students to use their own building.

What’s your campaign slogan (if you have one)?

Prentice for President

Why should SMU students vote for you?

The experience I have accumulated in Student Senate, my passion for SMU and the ability to listen are the main reasons why students should vote “Prentice for President.”  Serving as Student Body Vice-President is invaluable experience that, if elected, will allow an easier transition that results in more time devoted towards listening to students. I also work tirelessly to get the job done, not to a minimum standard, but to a quality level that reflects the importance of position. Listening to students concerns and opinions will be my main focus if elected because the student body as a whole generates far better ideas than I can alone. I love SMU and everything the university stands for, so serving the student body would be an incredible blessing.

What’s your favorite thing about SMU?

My favorite things about SMU are the seemingly endless opportunities a student has on and off campus. Tradition and history are important entities to the foundation on which SMU stands. Whether Celebration of Lights or Peruna, the long-standing traditions make SMU special. Also, students have the opportunity to be involved in over 100 student organizations. Better yet, if their desired organization is not currently offered, they can easily get a group together and start one. Obviously, the off campus benefits include living in the large city of Dallas where there is always something happening.

What, if anything, needs to change at SMU?

SMU is a wonderful university that is headed in an unprecedented direction. While the list of major changes needed at SMU is small, there are alterations that will help improve the quality of life for students. Parking – especially with University Park cracking down – is becoming a larger issue. Students should have more flexibility in their parking options and ticket payments. Also, Access should not limit students form registering for classes because of a simple “hold” on their account. The “hold” should be paid before the student is officially added to the class roster, but the ability to enroll in the class early on should not be removed.

About Meredith Shamburger

Meredith is a journalist working for the Longview News-Journal in Longview, Texas.
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